Group 1
- Topic : human contact can endanger orang utans
- Pro : orang-utans are valnerable to disease caused by contact with humans
- Contra : There are many factors other than only with human contact
- My opinion : In my opinion there are a lot of factors that contributed the death of orangutan, not just human contact. so human can can still meet orangutan provided that we must be on a good condition and treat it well.
Group 2
- Topic : Girl sexually assaulted in Depot
- Pro :The girl couldn't tell her case because she was traumatized
- Contra : The police must follow procedure, because of this they couldn’t investigate the case
- My opinion : In my opinion the police and government must take decisive action on this issue and society should care more
Group 3
- Topic : Underage marriage
- Pro : It gives more time to plan their adult and It avoids free sex since they’re legally married.
- Contra : Childhood moments are cut short due to marriage responsibility and The child isn't ready biologically, emotionally, and psychologically.
- My opinion : In my opinion Underage marriage is illegal for a reason. Teenagers under 18 years old are not mature enough to think about marriage responsibility since their concept of marriage is often very unrealistic
Group 4
- Topic : snake eating man
- Pro : police should take action
- Contra : villagers build their houses in the snakes habitat territory
- My opinion : In my opinion we don't interfere with snakes habitat
Group 5
- Topic : Psychological Test for Driving License is Just a Formality
- Pro : so it doesn't occur more accidents in the future
- Contra : There are a lot of drivers who can’t control their emotions and Psychological test will control their behavior and concentration
- My opinion : In my opinion drivers must test for driving license because anyone driving isn't harming anyone
Group 6
- Topic : Community for Transgender Who Struggled to Get a Job
- Pro : Transgender can socialize with their peers and This community will help trans people make a living
- Contra : Transgender are not being thankful to God for their own body
- My opinion : In my opinion Let trans people live, why should we judge them? It’s their life, not ours. If they have gender dysphoria, so be it. I don’t like people who judge other based on their physical looks.
Group 7
our group
Group 8
- Topic : green projects for asian games are not maximal
- Pro : only works in several places
- Contra : It’s impossible to change Indonesia in such a short time and Anytime is a good time to make Indonesia a better place
- My opinion : In my opinion green project should be spread equal all over indonesia